A close comparison of money market accounts and savings accounts

Every one hears a lot about the different kinds of accounts and certificates available in saving and investment. With so many choices it is a small wonder that people often end up feeling very confused about what works best and what does not. There are of course clear differences to every kind of investment and understanding the differences are integral to being able to pick one that works best. Money market accounts and traditional savings accounts have a lot of similarities, but they also have differences which may decide if one works better for you than the other. When you are saving up for certain specific purposes, knowing the two as different kinds will help in making a better choice.

Money market funds are known to offer high returns, way more than savings accounts or any other deposits. It is an easy to access fund which makes it a wise choice for many people in many situations, especially when they are thinking to invest a large chunk of the savings but would still want access to the money from time to time. The money market account is a long term investment which is less liquid and putting it there for a good span of time will yield well. Finding the best rates available in the money market is important before taking a decision as there are variations present from bank to bank.

A traditional savings account is for the folks who wish to save it and have it gather some interest but also want spending money access from time to time. Traditionally savings account is the popular choice for those who want a lot of liquidity and are willing to compromise on the interest rates. There are however many new kinds of savings accounts which are available in the market and one of them is the high yielding savings accounts which are a preferred choice for many people.

Money market accounts do not mean that the amount is locked up for a fixed span, there is access to the money for withdrawals from time to time, but the higher access is in case of a savings account. Online savings account and accounts with a debit card are choices many people turn to in many cases, they are convenient tool when people are looking to make a good profit now and then. There is definitely more risk free choices available with both savings accounts and money market accounts.

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  • No minimum balance
  • Competitive rates, No risk


  • High rates, Access to money
  • FDIC Insured