Are callable CD’s a better option?

Certificate of Deposit or CD is a type of investment which acts like saving in a time deposit where your money stays with a bank for certain period of time usually from three months to five years. A depositor or an investment is not allowed to access or withdraw fund from his investment before the agreed maturity date or withdrawal terms. In cases where a depositor is allowed to access his money before the maturity date or when there had been a multiple access to the account which was against the agreement, a monetary penalty is being imposed. While the callable CD has the same principles as the other CD types, an investor who acquired such CD type is allowed to access his account several types even before the maturity date comes and the better thing is that no penalties apply.

With a greater profitability, the Callable CD had been the option of more investors. Since it is covered by the FDIC, then each and every cent from your investment is in good hands. Such CD feature is definitely overwhelming but things with such benefits always come with a disadvantage. Don’t just focus on the good side of Callable CD. You too should understand the possible negative sides of it. to avoid regret or conflict in the end, be sure you are equipped with the right knowledge before you start investing.

Understanding means knowing by heart what the technical terms used in the terms and policies really mean. It is not enough that you know how much you will be receiving for an interest. Though profit is the most important thing in any investment, you too should understand that it is not everything when it comes to investment.

Here are some of the technical terms you will be meeting along the way upon acquiring a Callable CD:

Callable date- is the date that the bank determines whether they are willing to give your deposit back to you along with the interest rates agreed upon or not.

Maturity date- is the period of time you are required to keep your money from the bank. Universally, the longer you keep your money with your bank, the higher the yield is. There might be some confusion between the callable and maturity dates and if this ever happens always make it a point to have a bank representative explain it to you.

Interest rates decline- this is a condition when rates decline and the banks will be paying you an amount which is actually lower than what it is supposed to give you.

Any investor aims for profit but without proper understanding on the transactions you are entering into, you might not be able to enjoy your rewards.

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  • FDIC Insured