Can you help me find a good student savings account?

Setting aside few bucks daily, weekly or monthly is a very good practice to prepare for the future.  As they say, it is always best to start saving when you’re still young – if you have extra money to save, then best do it while you are in your early years of schooling.

Starting to save at an early age does not only allow you to save more, it also teaches you the value of money. While a lot of young people are already aware of the value of saving, not a lot are actually making a great deal of effort to do it, even more so in finding a good bank to deal with.  For students who are first-time savers, it could be very hard finding the right provider. Students tend  are usually vulnerable because they think that all banks are the same. Unfortunately, this is not true. Hence, without proper research, they typically choose the wrong bank and end up getting frustrated with their banking experience.  Very few students actually know that the best bank is one which answers the individual needs of their customers so when choosing a bank to deal with, make sure that their programs fit your needs and capabilities as a student.  Here are some of the things you have to look at to ensure that you’ve made the right choice.

  1. The best bank is one which offers the highest rates. For you to make sure that you really will be getting the best rates, ask a copy of their rates and sample of rate computation so you can have an idea on how much your money will be earning. Compare this with other banks and in case you are given a very high rate which is from you then go to the next bank. Students are vulnerable and may get overwhelmed with high figures. If you feel that the rates given to you are too good to be true, better think twice and do more research.
  2. There are times when depositors get surprised of some fees charged to them. This is what happens when you don’t get to know the fees that may possibly be charged on you.  A good bank is one that will give you a list of the fees and the rates being charge and what each one is for. If your bank does not do it voluntarily then have the initiative to ask. It is better to be well-equipped with the rates then getting charged of something you don’t understand.
  3. Check on the features and make sure that they are suitable for a student. It would be best I the account can be accessed through phone or online. Students especially in college are to busy so being able to check their account virtually would be perfectly convenient for them.

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  • No minimum balance
  • Competitive rates, No risk


  • High rates, Access to money
  • FDIC Insured