Get a student savings account to start saving young

We all carry dreams of achieving certain goals in our lives and college is one such dream that has gone unfulfilled for many a student. Things can change and you can get the dream college that you wish to study at if you can persist in seeking that goal with all your energy. At a point of time every student was given a chance to open a student savings account when in elementary school. The children were encouraged to bring in money to put into an account that has been set aside for them. When the child would leave a school or graduate the account would be transferred in their name as they chose.

There is not time that is too late or too early if you want to start saving. This practice which was a great ways for kids to learn to start saving at a young age ahs slowly dwindled and is not seen much in schools and colleges. However student savings accounts have not gone out completely, it is just that schools don’t begin them but the parents can do it for them as a minor. When you are looking for an account for your child, you would want to choose the best possible one. You may want to look at what benefits come on the account. There are advantages like no minimum deposit or no minimum balance is required to be maintained in the account. Regardless of how small or how big the amount is an interest amount is paid on it. This serves as a good incentive for kids to learn and enjoy the process of savings for their future needs.

There are so many banks that offer people a chance to people to being an account with as low as $20. This means that a student savings account does not mean you have to have a lot of money stashed away. As a student, when you go through different jobs you may want to put money away each time as a nest egg for later. It may not possible for every student to begin an account with a minimum of $500 and being able to begin an account with ease will also encourage more students to start an account. Make sure you enquire and find out which bank will offer the best interest rates possible so that you can choose one that will give you the most benefits.

When you want a student savings account the most important detail that has to be met with is the fact that you have to be a student. Of course the age limit is not prescribed in so many words but for someone over 50 who is a student to get an account with the same benefits as a 15 year old would be difficult. The number of transactions that people can make on a student account and also the number of withdrawals may be limited. It is important to know the limitations and conditions on your account to be able to use it well.

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Account Type:

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  • No minimum balance
  • Competitive rates, No risk


  • High rates, Access to money
  • FDIC Insured