Annoying Fees that must be considered

If you are thinking or you have doubts about the fees that bank of America is implementing on debit card and other money related matters, there must be important things that should be considered. Have you seen the video of the bank of America in YouTube? According to an expert, people just make fun out of a ridiculous situation because what they have seen in the video is a bank that is actually burning down houses and making families live in the streets and people are thanking them for doing such thing.

Bill Kula once said that bank of America is actually trying to disclose a $5 per month fee which is actually small. But since there are new set of rules that will be mandated by the bank of America they also need to disclose new fees. Americans are so used in paying for fees here and there and it is just fair for people to discuss some fees that kept them annoyed and this is according to Philip Friedman. He is actually a consumer lawyer who is based in Washington. Unluckily, Robin Block who is a retired individual in Manhattan protested that the fee should be removed or even lessened in the first place because sometimes, there is no relationship with the cost of the item which is included in the fee that he is actually paying for.

The 3% currency conversion fee that both credit card and debit card issuer impose unfair taxes, the effort of the bank of America imposing in charging $5 per month for debit card used which captures an interesting case in the said context according to expert. This is for the cost assigned but of course, the fee should be assigned due to the rules that are new and they are also limited. This may be applicable once the merchant accepts new subscribers or for releasing new cards. It’s really hard to tell why the bank of America need to implement such fee when it fact, they are actually benefiting from the accounts and transactions made by every customer.

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