Faster Visa EMV Transactions Keep Checkout Lines Moving

1830A new technology enhancement from Visa is getting folks through checkout lines even faster these days. Visa’s Quick Chip for EMV makes chip card transactions quicker and safer, cutting down on the potential for fraudulent credit card transactions.

When EMV card technology became more widespread last fall, many cardholders had to get used to a new way of paying at the register. Instead of swiping their magnetic stripe card, they now had to insert the chip card into the card reader and wait. This new procedure sometimes was confusing and took longer at the checkout desk. Adding to the confusion, some stores have the new chip card readers but don’t yet use them. They still ask folks to swipe. And if you are making a payment and also getting cash back, you may have to swipe instead of dipping your chip card into the reader.

Speeding up the process

Visa’s Quick Chip reader lets customers dip and remove their cards from readers in two seconds or less, so they don’t have to wait for the transaction to be completed before pulling their card out. They can also put their card in while they are still being rung up. In order for it to work, merchants must do a simple software update to their point of sale system or credit card terminal.

Mark Nelsen, a senior vice president with Visa, said the update makes the chip card payment process closer to the traditional magnetic stripe experience. “Visa is advancing a streamlined approach to chip transactions to make the faster and more efficient, while still providing a safe and secure experience,” said Nelsen.

Benefits of the Quick Chip system include:

• Faster checkouts: Terminals with the Quick Chip enhancement will allow customers to dip their chip card into the reader and remove it more quickly, typically within about two seconds.

• Streamlined processing: Quick Chip lets folks put their card in and take it out while their purchases are still being rung up, so they don’t have to wait until the checker is completely finished with their order before paying.

• Simple implementation: Quick Chip is easy for merchants to download to their payment terminals and works with all cardholder payment verification methods. This includes signature transactions and PIN transactions. Merchants do not have to make any changes to the way they routinely handle transactions. If a merchant’s system is already chip card compliant, no further changes are needed. Quick Chip will work with all chip cards.

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